Want to Sell on Wayfair? You Don’t Need a Connection – but It Helps

When I talk to suppliers in the home and outdoor markets, one of the first questions I get is “Can you get my products on Wayfair?” The answer is a little complicated, but maybe not why you’d expect. — First, if you haven’t heard of Wayfair, or haven’t checked in lately on how that company is doing, let’s just say that COVID-19 and the way it has accelerated eCommerce adoption has helped lead to absolutely massive growth for the platform. Wayfair’s Q2 2020 report showed revenue up 84% year over year to a total of $4.3 billion, and Q3 2020…

7 Key Takeaways from Wayfair, Payoneer, and AndMakers on Achieving eCommerce Scale

On Oct. 20, AndMakers co-founder Lily Chan joined Wayfair’s Michael Zhang and Payoneer’s T. J. Hyland for a free webinar on helping eCommerce brands launch on Wayfair. Attendees got a ton of insights on how to break into the U.S. market, grow sales, cut down on returns, and more. Here are our top 7 takeaways from the event: COVID-19 is accelerating eCommerce growth. Michael estimates that COVID-19 has accelerated the eCommerce growth curve by five years, with reports showing that eCommerce has made huge gains in its share of the retail market. He also forecasts that many new online customers…

Get the Scoop: Million-Dollar eCommerce Insights from a Sr. Buyer at Wayfair

As part of our mission to help eCommerce makers of all sizes succeed in the U.S. retail market, the AndMakers team caught up with Wayfair Sr. International Accounts Specialist Izzy Krempa, who works with suppliers in Asia, to talk about the eCommerce boom in the time of COVID and how international suppliers can succeed on the fast-growing Wayfair marketplace. What kind of products in the home and garden category tend to get the fastest traction?  In the current marketplace, we are finding that Office Furniture is clearly one of the fastest-growing categories on Wayfair as the demand continues to increase…

Why aren’t my products selling? It’s the images.

Want to know why your products aren’t moving faster from their listings on Amazon, eBay, Overstock, Wayfair, etc.? I’ll give you a hint: look at the images below from a well-reputed stroller company: Would you put your baby in that? Would the baby even be comfy? It’s tough to tell from the two very similar product angles, neither of which shows the stroller in use. And lo and behold, this product only has one rating (even though, again, this is a big brand, with >90K monthly searches): Contrast that stroller with this one (full listing here): The BOB stroller is…

The Top 5 Ways To Make Your Products Jump Out of A Big Catalog

For vendors and wholesalers looking to sell their products on big platforms like Amazon, eBay, Wayfair, and Overstock.com, listing on those platforms is only half the battle. The next, crucial step, which we tackle with each of the vendors we work with at AndMakers: how do you make your products stand out in a crowd?  Many of the big sites – Amazon, Wayfair, and Walmart.com, for instance – have their own advertising platforms that enable vendors to spend money to get their products front and center. If you don’t have any advertising budget set aside, there are still ways to…